Monday, June 4, 2012

Diabetic Patient-Roca Labs Formula Review For Diabetic

It is really challenging in our end to lose weight especially if you are diabetic, just like me, I have been fighting diabetes for many years now until I discovered hhe Roca Labs Formula and used it. I decided to create this review on RocaLabs Formula that helps me a lot in getting my life back into normal and be able to enjoy my life to the fullest. If we notice, there are different kinds of weight loss products in the market that they say could help you even though you are diabetic and it is hard to choose if which one will really work. As Diabetic, it is important that you need to seek out professional help, just like consulting your doctor so that they could guide you for the best things that you can do. As a Diabetic person, I know that it will be a challenge in my end to eliminate that excess weight and maintain it. It has been confusing in my end in choosing for the right weight loss products that could help me lose weight and at the same time mange Diabetes.

Gestational diabetes kit
In looking for the best solution for my problem, I come across with the Roca Labs Formula that they call the “mini-gastric bypass formula” that does not involve any surgery at all. One best thing about this Roca Labs Formula is the B-glucan which they also call the “anti-craving” that comes with the package once you order it. The B-Glucan will help you stabilize your blood sugar level and at the same time eliminate your cravings for food, especially sweets. I realized that this could be something that will help me a lot to eliminate my excess weight naturally and manage Diabetes. I did try to research more information about the Roca Labs Formula, checking different testimonies from the existing user, blogs, testimonial videos and most especially the ingredients that is included in the Roca Labs Formula and I found out that they are all natural ingredients which is safe for me and I don’t need to worry of having any complications with my Diabetes.

Vegetarian diet

The Roca Labs Formula could be mixed with any drinks that I like and it easily adopts the taste of my favorite drinks. I’m on this program right now and it works best for me. I was able to control my blood sugar level and at the same time I already lose 34lbs in 4 month period. It was a great help in my end and I was able to regain my self-confidence and at the same time enjoy my life to the fullest without Diabetes affecting me. The formula is just a tool that will help us but everything starts within ourselves. Eating healthy foods, avoiding junk foods, observing healthy lifestyle and exercise will always be our best weapon to succeed in fighting obesity and avoiding the long term effect of diabetes. To read more information, you could always go online and Look for Roca Labs Formula Review and you could also check out how good it is for a Diabetic person like me.


  1. My father is diabetic and overweight. Does this Roca Labs formula have any harmful side effects?

  2. Hi! nice to have you on board. There are some minor side effects that he may experience in case his body is not yet used to healthy fiber. He may experience some bloating, gas or minor headache but it could easily be eliminated by drinking plenty of water, drinking prune juice will also help or he could reduce her dose and just work his way up until his body will be used to healthy fibers.

    1. Great! Thank you! My son is also taking the formula, but I don't have the slightest idea about the version for Diabetic people, it's in our genes to be naturally big, and end up being overweight. So I think my whole family needs this product! lol

    2. I think these side effects are normal when taking fibers n our body. But are there no other major complication while on this diet?

  3. It's a matter of disciplined and determination. The formula is a tool that will surely help you a lot and your family.

    1. I know, we also need to do our part. We are currently doing basic exercises even just to burn the calories we took everyday, we are considering of adding Roca in our tool.

  4. this is amazing! i never thought they have a specific version for diabetic people. are you still eating in portions of did you go back on eating a lot?

    1. The Formula help me cut-off my daily food intake for about 50%

  5. I am diabetic......and really curious about this program. I tried every program out there---didn't work for me! I need to lose around 70 lbs and would be great if it'll lower my blood sugar too.

  6. there is no diet restriction? am I still be allowed to drink beer?

  7. I am an obese pregnant mom who has a pregnancy complication of diabetese. How can this formula help me? Can I take the formula?

  8. Is this safe for me? I mean it might harm my baby. What side effects should I be vigilant for?

    1. Compared to gastric bypass, lap band, and other weight loss surgeries, the Formula has very few potential side effects or complications. The Formula is probably the most powerful non-prescription weight loss Formula in the world, but if you use it correctly, side effects can usually be prevented. - You need to drink plenty of water while using the Formula, or else you may experience dehydration and headache. - If your body is not accustomed to the Formula’s high quantity of healthy fiber, you may experience bloating, gas, or diarrhea. To avoid these, allow your body to adjust by starting with a smaller dose and working your way up. - Some users also experience gas and bloating from having dairy products or carbonated beverages after taking the formula. If this happens, eliminate these from your diet, and then reintroduce them gradually.

  9. I heard a co-worker of mine have used roca labs because she sent the box to the office and there was comercial about roca labs all over it... Never really talked to her but she looks much slimmer.

  10. This rocalabs is it really effective in losing weight? As what I've heard from the videos and some blogs on line this stuff really works. Thinking of ordering soon but still doing some research about this stuff.

  11. The formula is great because you can mix it with any flavoring, you either eat it or drink it! I tried to mix it with my morning veggie smoothie, it's fantastic! There is no after taste, yummy. To those who are using the formula like me, try it! : )

  12. I am diabetic and I have been researching things about Roca Labs. So far I have read quite nice feedbacks from bloggers, so I might place an order on my payday. I'm looking forward to it.

  13. I'm diabetic and I need to lose weight but is it safe for me? I know it works but I'm scared of trying this. Is it safe for my diabetes?will it help?

  14. I am diabetic and it's great to read blogs like this. It will definitely help me to manage my blood sugar level and my weight as well. I only jog and/or brisk walking if I have the time. I will consider this formula so it will not only help me loss weight but to help me lower down my blood sugar level. Very helpful. Thanks!

  15. Off to my third week, my first week was a roller coaster..I had episodes of diarrhea but I did manage to lose 3 lbs. It was better on my second week, side effects no more and lost 4 lbs. So far I have lost a total of 7 lbs.

  16. Great Blog. I would definitely show this to my aunt who is also a diabetic. That formula you discuss is really interesting. Not only would you be able to lose weight but also control your blood sugar levels. Thanks!

  17. I am diabetic and is using Roca Labs Formula. The Formula has this beta-glucan ingredient which helps balance blood sugar level. I am very lucky to have found this formula because it has help me in two ways, cutting down my weight and balancing my blood sugar level.

  18. Can somebody with other endocrine disorders, like hypothyroidism also use this Roca Labs?

  19. Would you still be able to keep the weight off after you have stopped using the formula?

  20. I am from Sweden, can this Roca labs be purchased here?

  21. How long does it take to be shipped overseas if this cannot be purchased locally?
